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Change of Attitude

Carl Hovland from Yale University which leads a research after World War II found that change of attitude was a result of persuasive communication. Change of attitude was a direct impact of something persuasively, as a form of social effect to change others feeling or behavior. The effectiveness of persuasive was decided by the quality of sources or communicator whom doing the persuasive, include its content, presentation of the messages, motive, and the ability of audience.

Here it is, the component of persuasive communication which able to impact the attitude:

a. Source
The first information will be accepted is the source characteristic which convey the message. According the resource, it consists by two variables: credibility and attractiveness.

  1. Credibility. A message may give a huge chance to attitude change if presented by a credible communicator and supported by a proper knowledge needed. A credible communicator also can be someone look alike a sincere and honest person.
  2. Attractiveness. The attractiveness of communicator is important to be concerned. For example, an advertisement program will choose an athlete to be the model of a sport item such a special shoes for running, play football or maybe basketball. A good attractiveness of communicator can help the product to attract the audience to buy the stuff.

b. Message

The element of message consists by more variables to produce persuasive effect. The qualities of persuasive message which may impact the change of attitude are position, message content, and channel.

  1. Position. When the case is closer to the audience’s point of view, it will be easier for the person to accept the message.
  2. Message Content. Message content is one of some element which able to persuade the audience to change their attitude. For instance, the advertisement will use a chic slogan to make their product easily memorize by the costumers. To increase the persuasive effect of the message, it is important to concern to its simplicity, emotional attractiveness, personal interests, and presentation. 
  3. Channel. Channel is the third element that gives some effects to change of attitude. There are three items connecting to this, mass media, personal contact, and two step communications.

c. Audience

The characteristic of audience will determine which one is the credible and attractive communicator, which one is a logic message, is it can be remembered or balanced.

  1. Attention. The message is unable to catch the audience attractiveness by mass media if they do not want to, by a direct meeting as well if they are unable to understand or disagree with material delivered. It is all about selective exposure and ego involvement.
  2. Personal Characteristic. Ability to accept persuasive message might be differ from one to another. There are some factors involved, such as age and needed.

d. Situational Effect

Persuasive effect is not only produces by the communicator, message content, and the message acceptor. Several things also take place on it, such as message density, repetition, and distraction.

  1. Message density. There are so many messages come to us. Some of us only remember a few message given. So that is why message density takes a big role to win the attractiveness of the audience.
  2. Repetition. According to Zajonc (1968), familiarity to a certain thing by a repetition can increase person’s interest. Thus, the effect of repetition is change of attitude.
  3. Distraction. The acceptor of the message will make an argument to the message delivered, and that is normal. The task of communicator is to keep delivered the message followed by evidences and a test if needed.

Source: Communication Psychology, SKOM 4317/Module 7 
            Universitas Terbuka
            (translated by Umi Muthiah Syahirah)


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